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A collection of X's and O's, clinic notes, film, and other things I like 


Bill Self's Philosophy

Offensive Philosophy:  One or more shots on each possession.

Defensive Philosophy:  One or less shots on each possession.

  1. Great teams play with 2 post men.

  2. He thinks Ball Screens are the wave of the future. He loves it for high school.

  3. The game has become smaller.

  4. Anyone can guard the first ball screen, it is the second and third ones that hurt you.

  5. You need angles to score in the low post. Most players cannot shoot over someone.

  6. He hates it when the ball sticks. Meaning someone just dribbling the ball and not going any where.

  7. When a post ball screens he must sprint to screen.

  8. He believes in Butt Screens. This way the defense does not know where to hedge.

  9. You must teach your team how to read what the defense is doing on ball screens (daily) are they hedging, doubling, switching, or going under.

  10. The NBA is ball screening league.

  11. Sometimes he sets staggered ball screens with the first screener slipping the screen and the second screener setting a hard screen.

  12. Referees usually only call one illegal screen a game.

  13. In the national championship game KU only made five shots outside of five feet from the rim. Wow!


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