Shooting Target 185 = FG% + FT% + 3 pt%
– “When was the last time you kicked a kid out of practice?”
– When taking notes
* Use 1/3 of the note pad for you
* Use the other 2/3 of the pad for the speaker
– Get all of the good ideas, but you can’t use all of the good ideas; just use what is relevant to your philosophy, your kids, and your situation
– You have to adapt rather than adopt
– Figure out how you can lose a game, work on that element so it doesn’t happen in a game
– “You can’t play hard if you don’t coach hard”
– Kids today don’t play hard, they only want to watch the teams with all the talent”
– Need to do a needs assessment each year you coach
* “What is attractive and what should be?”
– Every year needs to be treated like it is your first year
– Smartest Thing To Do
One Minute Assessments
a. What is 1 thing that you are doing well and why?
b. What is 1 thing we can be doing better?
– Keep it simple
– Don’t say the word “I” “Me” “My” unless you are taking the blame for something —- it sends the wrong message to the team
– Your example is not the main thing to other people, it is the ONLY thing
Administration: A good administrator never gives a good coach a reason to leave; a bad administrator always gives a bad coach a reason to stay
– “You have to be a world-class thinker”
– Necessity is the creator of invention
– Be your own worse critique
– Never let your players, coaches or self be satisfied – Wooden
– Biggest difference with kids today —- Respect
– A lack of discipline hurts more than a lack of athleticism —- lack of discipline will lose you the tight games
– Not a privilege to play, need to earn it
Best – has to be your hardest worker
– Discipline is the highest form of LOVE; You have the courage to confront the people you love
– Mass Practice
* Best way to get better
* Kids have to learn to work on their own
Shooting Progression
Wrist extensions – develops range and touch
Swing the purse to get into the shooting pocket; post players can get the elbow higher
On the back shooting; keep elbow on the floor and tight to body
Form shooting on side of back board; 1 second follow through
Form shooting against the back board; ball should be on it’s way down when it hits the back board
Shots over the front of the rim; work your way back to develop range
– You don’t have to shoot fast, you have get ready to shoot fast
– Jeff Van Gundy – Pass is on time, on target
– Better footwork takes from good to great shooter
– Need to sit into your game
– Morgan Wooten
* Never spend enough time on shooting
* Best shooter should get the most shots
* Worse shooter should have the highest shooting percentage (should be getting less shots)
– There is a time in a game where we are not looking for a shot we can make, but looking for a shot we cant miss
– Need to shorten the pass
– 1 inch shot fakes
4 Things to Shooting
1. Keep it straight
2. Back half of the rim
3. Hold high 1 second follow through
4. Land 6 inches closer to the shot
– A great shooter never misses to the side (always short or long, but straight)
– 50% of all missed shots are short
– Talk your shot (keep it straight, back half)
– High follow through —- Get it consistent
– Start slow, get a rhythm, go fast enough to make a mistake
– See the biggest part of the floor
– Scouting is overrated
– Have to get the ball in the pocket quickly
Drill (prepare defending a person who is a Dead 3)
– Shooter is at the top of the key
– Defender standing underneath the rim
– Defender closes out on the shooter and flies by the shooters shooting shoulder
– Once the shot gets blocked, the shooter can add a shot fake
– Morgan Wooten — “It is not what you teach, it is what you emphasize”
– A Dead 3
* A person who 50% of their shots are 3 point shots
* You have to make them put the ball on the floor – leave the floor to contest their shot
– People with character figure it out
– Have to make the tough decisions
– If Coach Meyer Coached Again – What would he stress
* Sound (mentally and fundamentally)
* Solid (character)
* Simple (It is what we do)